Meet Dr. Mitch....
After recovering from my accident, I continued my education and taught math and science for almost a decade. After years of classic chiropractic care, I was clearly much better but I still had a level of pain, numbness and weakness. Finally, I decided that I needed to understand my chiropractic adjustments in more detail, so I made a career/life change and enrolled in Chiropractic school. During my time in school, I actively pursued the various specialties in Chiropractic in search of a technique which would provide even greater pain relief. After experimenting with various Chiropractic philosophies, I became board certified as an Atlas Orthogonal doctor. This technique has been my “silver-bullet” for relief of pain, increase in range of motion, and a decrease in the rate of degeneration of my previously fractured vertebrae.
So, in conclusion, if you have always thought all Chiropractors do the same thing, let me show you how both my skill in a carefully chosen specialty and my own personal experience with pain can make a difference for you.
Mitch Braddon, D.C.
My life at 54...